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Bob Sutton's Medalist Trivia

Original compilation: Ruth Blazina-Joyce
Periodic updates: Robert Sutton, Alexandria, VA chapter

Updated: July 9, 2017

Individual Medalist Trivia

Most medals of any kind won by one person: 15
Number of guys to win 15 medals: 1

Most gold medals won by one person: 4
Number of guys to win 4 gold medals:  2

Some extra items of interest regarding champions:

Other Quartet Medals:

Most silver medals won by one person: 5
Number of guys to win 5 silver medals: 4
Most 3rd-place bronze medals won by one person: 4
Number of guys to win 4 3rd-place medals: 4

Most 4th-place bronze medals won by one person: 4
Number of guys to win 4 4th-place medals: 5

Most 5th-place bronze medals won by one person: 4
Number of guys to win 4 5th-place medals: 4

Number of guys to win all 5 medals (in any order): 12

Most voice parts medaled with by one person: 3
Number of guys to medal on 3 voice parts: 3

Number of guys to win gold with two voice parts: 5

Voice part medalist combinations

Most quartets medaled with by one person: 4
Number of guys to medal with 4 quartets: 2

Quartet Trivia
Chorus Trivia
Director Trivia
Family Trivia